takmer jasno
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Welten klub
Welten reštaurácia

Application form

Become a member in Golf Club WELTEN

You can find membership types and a price list on this link.


Personal information

HCP is required

First name is required

Last name is required

Date of birth is required

Country of birth is required

Nationality is required


Street/no. is requried

City is requried

County is requried

Area code is requried

State is required

Phone number is requried

Insert e-mail in name@server.com form

Former registration (choose only one option)

I hereby oblige to pay the applicable membership fees within 14 days after posting this application form to the following account number: Tatra Banka, IBAN: SK96 1100 0000 0026 2105 2363; variable symbol: (SKGA number), or by cash at the golf club reception.

I hereby give my consent for the information provided on this form to be processed in accordance with the GDPR 2018. Furthermore I state that I have fully understood the Welten Golf Club bylaws, local rules and operating instructions and commit to respect these. Caution: According to the bylaws paragraph (III.3): Person interested in membership only becomes a member of the club after the appropriate fees have been paid. In case these have not been paid by the stated day the membership does not originate and the application is not valid.

Caution: According to the bylaws paragraph (III.3): Person interested in membership only becomes a member of the club after the appropriate fees have been paid. In case these have not been paid by the stated day the membership does not originate and the application is not valid.

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Become a member